Arlington Heights, Illinois
(847) 312-9057

Your piano is as good as the care it receives.


Service Area

Service Area Map

About Piano Tuning

Tuning a Piano

What is Regulation?

What is Voicing?

About Repairs

Historical Temperaments




Most pianos, at one time or another, are likely to require at least a minor repair or two. Often, the purchase of a used piano will also result in a call for repair of some kind, usually along with a tuning. Fortunately, most repairs can be completed on location during the first visit. Occasionally, a large number of various repairs may be split up into two or more visits. This may be done to obtain needed parts, because of time constraints, or a customer's desire to budget costs over time.  

When I am servicing your piano on a regular schedule, I will also be looking out for anything that may lead to a problem and with foresight we can keep your piano trouble free.

In the event you notice a problem develop between tunings, we can of course schedule a service visit between regular tunings.

Repairs Services include:
Action repairs
String repairs or replacements
Pedal and trapwork repairs
Bridge repairs
Bench repairs
Key and keytop repair or replacement
Cabinet hardware repair or replacement
Minor cabinet touch-up


Please call (847) 312-9057 or e-mail pianotuning@sbcglobal.net if you have questions, or to make an appointment Monday through Friday. Weekend appointments are also available.

Musically Yours,
Gary Messling,
Piano Tuner & Technician